Friday, February 1, 2013

The Horde (2009) : Vive le zombie!

OK, after the last movie review I owe you, my readers, a review of a GOOD zombie movie. After all, who wants to read a blog about bad movies that you SHOULDN'T WATCH?!?

Enter 2009's "The Horde".

If you've been jones'n for a fast-paced, "Die Hard" -type Zombie flick, look no further. "The Horde" is probably one of the most violent, fast-paced French Zombie movies that I have ever seen. Well to be truthful, it's the only French Zombie movie I've ever seen, but let's not complicate things.......

Here's the description from IMDB:

A posse of crooked cops, malevolent gangsters and a horde of walking dead are the centre point of this gruesome, tight, action packed, claustrophobic tale of retribution and escape. Penned like animals, on the top floor of a deserted high-rise block, these two opposing gangs find that they are not alone in the lair of bloodthirsty corridors of death. Joining forces to survive, they must reach ground level together or perish. Loaded with a bad ass attitude, guns, axes and extremely creative hand-to-hand combat sequences that project the fears and paranoia that are the fighting forces behind the need to survive, when caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Yep, that pretty much sums it up.

Our group is caught in a run-down apartment complex, much like the folks in "Quarantine", except they are stuck in the middle of a full-blown Zombie apocalypse complete with a seemingly endless supply of fast-moving Zombies. Sacre Bleu!

Fast-movers scare the holy hell out of me! I think it's because deep down I know that when if the Zombie Apocalypse comes, and its complete with fast movers..............I am toast. I hate running.

The imagery and cinematography in this movie are awesome. It truly lives up to it's name in terms of sheer number of Zombies. Its also got gore in spades, so if you are squeamish, you might want to skip this one..

There are a few things that I wish they had done better. First was character development. They could have done a better job at giving a little more insight into the cops and baddies. And, it never was revealed what started the Zombie outbreak to begin with. Infected monkeys? Government experiment gone wrong? Evil corporation? The outbreak just suddenly appeared at their doorstep. For those of us who are hoping to avoid a real Zombie Apocalypse this sort of info is helpful....

All of that aside, I did like this film. A lot of attitude with action in spades. A great way to spend 90 minutes with no regrets!

My verdict? On a "Zombie Movie Scale of 1-10" I'd give this one a 7.

Non-stop action and fast-movers make for a super entertaining movie! This is a great movie to watch during the current Walking Dead hiatus (one more week!!!!).

WATCH IT IF: You've been jones'n for a good French Zombie flick, aren't interested in character development and just want to see a lot of shootin' and bitin', or want to be able to tell your friends you just watched a foreign film with subtitles to sound smarter.

DON'T WATCH IT IF: You hate all things French, don't want to be bothered to read subtitles, or have no interest in being entertained.

"The Horde" is available for streaming on Netflix and Amazon Instand Video.

More info can be found on IMDB here:

Up next, get ready for a two-for-one Nazi Zombie review: "Outpost" and "Outpost: Black Sun".

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