OH BOY! If you haven't had a chance to catch the mid-season finale that aired on Sunday, 12/2 stop reading now, as this contains spoilers and some (personal) predictions and observations......
Here's a quick recap of the episode:
Rick, Michonne, and the crew finally make it into Woodbury to save Glenn and Maggie. Glenn makes a dagger from the fore-arm of a walker and almost escapes with Maggie, only to be caught by Merle and crew. Thankfully Rick shows up to save the day and makes it out of there with Maggie and Glenn in tow. Daryl stays behind to cover them as they go over the wall, and then apparently (we never see it) gets caught.
At the prison a new group of stragglers shows up. This group contains Tyreese, who I have been waiting to show up. Carl shows what a little bad-ass he has become and brings them in while at the same time putting them in their place. The scraggly blonde prisoner appears to be making the moves on Hershel's youngest daughter, and Carol nips that in the bud rather quickly.
While all of this was going on Andrea was trying her damnest to get in the middle of everything but yet somehow never saw any of the people she knew from Rick's group.
Meanwhile, Michonne waits patiently for the Governor in his room, presumably to dish out a little justice with the sharp side of her blade. She becomes distracted by noises in the adjacent room and discovers the heads in the fishtanks, and Penny. Of course the Governor shows up at that moment, and Michonne puts her sword thru Penny's head. A fight ensues, with Michonne getting away, only after she sticks a shard of fish-tank glass thru the Governor's right eye.
Of course this means that Merle was lying to the Governor when he told him he killed Michonne a few episodes back, so the Governor takes out his wrath on Merle by calling him out in the square in front of the townsfolk and have him arrested for being a traitor. It's then that a captured Daryl is brought out in front of everyone. The episode ends leaving you with the feeling that a fight to the death is going to be staged between Daryl and Merle for the townsfolks entertainment.
Whew! That was a lot to happen in an hour, while at the same time leaving you wanting more. I guess that's what a mid-season finale is supposed to do; get you on the line and set the hook.
I was wondering what they were going to do with Merle when the group catches up to him after his beat-down of Glenn and his attempt at killing Michonne. It seems like they have set it up to where there is a possiblity he may end up back with the group now that he is an outcast in Woodbury, but that assumes he survives his impending fight with his brother.
I'm glad that Tyreese is finally brought into the plot line! In the comics he is probably the closest thing to a friend that Rick has, and is a pretty stand-up guy. He shows up rather early on in the comic series so this is a bit of a late intro for him, but we all know the show doesn't exactly follow the comic so that's to be expected.
OK, so I mentioned that the blonde scraggly prisoner is getting friendly with Hershel's youngest daughter. This makes me think they may make his character somewhat like the psychotic inmate in the comics that kills two of Hershel's daughters and cuts their heads off. He seemed mild-mannered and nice in the comic and everyone thought he was in there for embezzeling or some other white-collar crime, when in fact he was a freaky serial killer. Watch this guy.
So now what do you do now that the next new episode isn't going to air until FEBRUARY 10th, 2013? Well there are a few things....
1. You can check out the "Revolution" series, or what I like to call "Walking Dead Lite". Check out my review from last week on this one.

3. Watch "The Walking Dead" season 1 and 2 again. They are both available now on Netflix. You'd be surprised how many things you missed the first time you saw them. Also on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, AMC will be running a Walking Dead marathon. So if you don't have Netflix, set your DVR's/VCR's.

5. Read my blog. Yes, if you haven't read it already, I've reviewed a bunch of Zombie flicks and some of them are actually pretty good. Read about them and check them out if you want.
OK, that's all I've got for now. Thanks for reading, and if you have any additional thoughts or observations I'd love to hear them.
Up next week: We check out "Doghouse"......
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